FAQ: Facade

K2 mounting systems for facades are suitable for many typical materials such as solid masonry or concrete, sandwich elements and trapezoidal sheet metal.

What are you looking for?


  • Which modules are suitable for facade installation?

  • Which modules, for example, have building authority approval?

  • Can I install a facade system on a detached house?

  • For which facades are the solutions suitable?

  • Where can I find more information about the facade solutions?

  • Is there a mounting system for frameless modules?

  • Is the WallPV system approved by the building authorities?

  • Can a photovoltaic system be installed on an ETICS (external thermal insulation composite system)?

  • What is the maximum length of the brackets?

  • Can WallPV be used on uneven concrete walls?


  • Can I plan WallPV independently?