Facade in Norway equipped with photovoltaics

19/01/2018 Sperrebotn, Norway

BasicRail in use

The four façades have received special planning with the BasicRail, BasicClips and AddOn. Three of the façades are oriented south-south-west and one façade is east-south-east.

BasicRail System

Partner Solenergi FUSen

In cooperation with Solenergi FUSen PV systems have been installed on the company's facades and roofs.

The systems supply the air-conditioned warehouses and cold storage of the Norwegian food retailer UNIL.

‘The project in Sperrebotn was very varied with the different types of mounting. In Norway we have low solar radiation, especially in autumn, winter and spring, which we have to take into account. The customer wanted the electricity to be distributed over the day and over the year in such a way that the production is reduced in the middle of the day or year and the electricity production is increased in the seasons with lower solar radiation,’ says Steinar Nilsen, project manager Solenergi FUSen.

2,275 metres of BasicRail track installed

The four facades have an output of 321 kWp and 6,558 BasicClips as well as 2,600 AddOns.


Facade Special construction Norway Fassade Tailor made solution Norwegen AddOn

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