Pretty sustainable: the K2 DNA — Let's drive the energy transition forward together!More
Mounting systemsMounting systems
K2 Non-Roof continues to grow — Easy, flexible, aesthetic: K2 CarportMore
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K2 Buddy — Ensuring the safety of PV systems in snowy regions with K2 BuddyMore
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The Resource Center is now called Knowledge & Training — with new K2 WallPV training block and more new contentMore
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K2 Systems
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With hanger bolts or solar fasteners for the various coverings made of corrugated fibre cement or Eternit, corrugated sheet metal or trapezoidal sheet metal.
K2 SingleRail System
Suitable for various load cases and many spans, including an extensive range of rails.
K2 SolidRail System
The SolidRail mounting system for photovoltaic systems is suitable for almost all types of roofing.
K2 Insertion system
Attractive overall appearance thanks to closed surface and additional reinforcement with insert profile.
We have been supplying mounting systems since 2004: To 130 countries worldwide. Discover our references.