D-Dome Classic for a car park and logistics centre

15/03/2018 Neckarsulm, Germany

Solar Cluster creates strong network

The cooperation between K2 and Orange Solar has again worked out very well. We have known each other for several years through our involvement in the Solar Cluster, in which various companies from the solar industry work to expand and strengthen renewable energies in Baden-Württembergsays Daniel Brandl, Managing Director of Orange Solar GmbH.

The Solar Cluster consists of around 40 members, including commercial enterprises, public utilities and research institutes. Thanks to the strong network, there has been an intensive exchange of knowledge and numerous cooperations among the members since its founding in 2012,reports Katharina David, Managing Director of K2 Systems.

You can find out more about the Solar Cluster here.

D-Dome Classic

The flat roof of the car park has a 2° pitch and a size of 99×50 metres. The 1,944 solar modules generate electricity that is fed into the grid and consumed for own use.

Solar energy supplies the car park

The first plant generates an output of 524.88 kWp and is designed for a useful life of 50 years.

[Source: Goldbeck Webcam, 02.02.2018]

And the logistics centre

The second system is located on the neighbouring building and is greened.

The roof surface has space for 828 modules, which also have the D-Dome system as a substructure.


Flat roof Membrane Parking garage D-Dome Classic Parking garage

275 kWp facade system with K2 WallPV MultiRail system


90° bespoke ground-mounted solution


1,5 MW N-Rack 3.15 with pile-driven foundations



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