Pretty sustainable: the K2 DNA — Let's drive the energy transition forward together!More
Mounting systemsMounting systems
K2 Non-Roof continues to grow — Easy, flexible, aesthetic: K2 CarportMore
Digital ServicesDigital Services
K2 Buddy — Ensuring the safety of PV systems in snowy regions with K2 BuddyMore
Knowledge & Training CenterKnowledge & Training Center
The Resource Center is now called Knowledge & Training — with new K2 WallPV training block and more new contentMore
Find your distributor — Well-distributed network of local distributors - find the right one.More
K2 Systems
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All features and services for your company on a central platform for project and account management
Why do I need a K2 user account?
What are the advantages of a MyK2 company account?
How do I organise my MyK2 company account?
How do I create my MyK2 user account?
How do I become a member of a MyK2 company account?
I get the error message "User account: E-mail address already exists." What can I do?
I get the error message "You do not (yet) have authorisation..." What can I do?
How do I change my email address?
How can I change my user data?
I am in the wrong company. How can I change companies?
How can I change my password?
What rights do I have as an admin?
Who is the admin of my company?
How can I add a member?
How do I appoint a second admin?